Terms Of Use

Thank you for using All Calculator! We are committed to providing you with the best experience every time you visit our site, and we have some rules to keep things running smoothly. 

Acceptance of Terms 

By using this website, you agree and recognize that any use of the calculations, content, methods, demonstrations, recommendations, and advertisements is solely at your judgment and risk. 

If you disagree with any part of the Terms of Use or any guideline on the website, your only option is to stop the use of the website right away. 

Changes to the Terms of Use 

allcalculator.tools has the right to change, update, or alter any content, Terms of Use, calculators, or tools on this website at any time. These changes will be effective immediately once they are posted. 

You can find the latest version of the Terms of Use linked in the website’s footer. Make sure to check the Terms of Use regularly to stay updated on any changes. 

Codes of Conduct 

You accept not to post any images, texts, files, videos, audio, or any other resource (Content) or to use the website in a way that: 

  • Violate any patent, trade secret, copyright, trademark, or any other proprietary rights of any party. 
  • Breaks any local, state, federal, or other law. 
  • Threatens, harasses, or spreads lies about someone. 
  • Is detrimental to children 
  • Contains marketing or advertising material for your benefit in public areas of the website that is not paid or meant for promotions. 
  • Develop software viruses or harmful codes for other computers. 
  • Disturb the normal conversations of the website users. 
  • Contains false or misleading information. 
  • Uses fake headers or other methods to hide the origin of the content. 

You agree not to try to disassemble, reverse engineer, or figure out any source code on the website. Unless you have clear permission, you agree not to copy, distribute, or use any part of the website for business or marketing.  

Any business that signs up for a listing or buys advertisements or other services (“Customer”) has the right and approval to manage its purchased ads, listings, or other services to help its business as long as it follows the codes of conduct mentioned above. 


Please go through our Privacy Policy for details about how the company collects, shares, and uses your personal information and other privacy matters. By using our site, you agree to both the Privacy Policy and the Terms of Use. 


Some content of this website contains links to other online resources. These links are provided to help you find other material on the internet that you might find interesting. 

But that does not mean that the company sponsors, endorses, is affiliated or connected with, or has permission to use any trade names, logos, registered trademarks, official seals, or copyrighted symbols found in those links. 

If you find incorrect information or calculations, please let us know with details, and we will look into them. If our data source allows, we will update the information.

Limitations and Terminations 

The company can set limitations on your usage of the website, such as the number of times you can access it. These limitations could lead to a complete termination of your access to the website and you accept that the company can update or discontinue the website (or any part of it) at anytime, with or without notice.

Health and Medical Disclaimers 

This site’s calculators and content about health, fitness, nutrition, and wellness are only meant for educational purposes. The results you get from calculators are only estimates based on the commonly accepted formulas and are meant for educational use only. 

The calculators and their results, along with the content on any page of this website, should not be used as a replacement for consulting a health professional or lawyers or taking a blood alcohol content test.

Always consult your doctor before making any changes in your diet. The content, results, and calculations on this website are not legal or medical advice, and you agree to use them at your own risk without any warranty or guarantee. 

Financial Calculations and Pricing Disclaimers 

The content and calculators about finance and pricing on this website are only for educational use. The results generated from the calculators are just estimates based on generally accepted formulas and equations. 

The calculators and their results, as well as the content on any page of this website, should not be used as a substitute for legal, financial, or any other professional advice. 

Before making any changes to your finances or using any information from this website, please consult a licensed financial professional. The information available on any page of this website is not for legal, or financial advice, and you accept to use it at your own risk, without any guarantee and warranty.  

Disclaimer of Warranties 

Every content, method, calculation, demonstration, advertisement, and recommendation is provided on an “AS IS” and “AS AVAILABLE” basis. allcalculator.tools does not guarantee any claims. 

This includes the warranties that the website is free of errors, defects, viruses, merchantable, and is fit for a specific purpose or non-infringing. 

You also agree that we are not responsible for the accuracy and reliability of the calculations, content, demonstrations, methods, recommendations, and ads on this website. Your use of the website is at your own risk. 

Limitations of Liability 

You acknowledge that under no circumstance the company will not held liable for any direct, indirect, special, consequential, or other damages you might experience. 

This includes the damages resulting from your inability to use the website or services or from interruptions, modifications, or termination of the website or any part of it. 

Affiliate Links 

While allcalculator.tools aim to provide unbiased referrals and recommendations, we want to make it clear that we may use affiliate links to services and products, for which we may receive compensation. 

All Calculator participate in various affiliate advertising programs, but this does not change our recommendations. We recommend services and products based on their quality, performance, and overall reputation. 

Widget Use Terms and Conditions 

By using All Calculator widgets, you agree to these terms and conditions. While we do our best to ensure that allcalculator.tools and our widgets function without any issues, the company will not be liable for any problems that may arise on your website due to use of our embedded code and widgets. 

You agree that you will be responsible for any damages, costs, attorney fees, and expenses sustained if there are any problems resulting from their use. 

Use for Artificial Intelligence Purposes is Prohibited 

The allcaluclator.tools does not allow any third party to use or download content from this website for developing, training, or running artificial intelligence or other machine learning systems unless the owner gives written permission (including emails). 

Without this permission, no one, including third parties using automated systems, is allowed to use any material on the website for Artificial Intelligence Purposes. Anyone or any automated system that ignores this rule will be breaking these Terms of Use. 

Jurisdiction Validity 

The Terms of Use will be based on the laws of the state without considering any conflicts in the laws. You and the company agree to follow the court’s rules regarding any legal issues. 

If any court decides that any part of these Terms of Use is not valid or cannot be enforced, it does not mean that the rules cannot be used in other places or cannot affect the validity of the remaining rules. 

Also, if the company chooses not to use one of its rights mentioned in the terms, it does not mean that they have given up on any other rights. 

Violation of Terms 

You agree that if there is a breach in this Agreement, monetary damages might not be enough to fix this. The Company may ask the court for other types of help, like an injunction or other fair solutions, without giving up any other rights or solutions they might have. 


The Terms of Use are the complete agreement between you and the company. The company controls how you use this website, and they can replace any previous agreement.