Rmc Calculator

In construction, where every moment matters and time affects costs, being efficient is important. Ready-mix concrete helps by making the process quicker and more efficient. From home renovations to large construction projects, rmc is the key to making any structure strong and long-lasting. It’s easy to use and reliable, making it a favorite for builders and homeowners. 

However, manually calculating the amount of ready-mix concrete can be time-consuming. That’s why we have created a rmc calculator. Just like our room size calculator, this tool helps you estimate exactly how much concrete you need. Whether you’re working on a foundation or a patio, our calculator saves you time and ensures your project is done right.

What is meant by Ready Mix Concrete? 

Rmc Calculator

Ready-mix concrete (RMC) is a kind of concrete that is manufactured in a factory or a batching plant. It is then delivered to the construction site by truck mixers. This method ensures the concrete is mixed perfectly every time, allowing for special types of concrete to be used in different projects.

Ready-mix concrete is made from three main ingredients: cement, water, and aggregates (like sand, gravel, or crushed stone). Usually, the mix includes 16-22% cement, 60-75% aggregates, and 1-2% water. It is a building material, used for floor slabs, foundations, and walls. 

Types of Ready Mix Concrete 

There are three types of ready-mix concrete made based on the different materials used in the mix. These are: 

  • Transit mixed concrete 

Transit-mixed concrete, also called truck-mixed concrete, is made by batching the materials at a central plant and mixing them in the truck on the way to the site. The water is added only when the truck arrives, which keeps the concrete from setting too soon. The main drawback is that the truck can only hold a limited amount of concrete at once.

  • Shrink-mixed concrete 

Shrink-mixed concrete is partially mixed at the plant before being delivered. The remaining mixing is completed in the truck during transit. The amount mixed in the truck depends on how much it was premixed at the plant. It’s important to test the concrete to decide how much mixing is needed.

  • Central mixed concrete 

Central mixed concrete, or central batching plant concrete, is fully mixed at the plant before it’s loaded into the truck. On the way to the site, the truck’s drum turns slowly to keep the concrete mixed and prevent it from separating. This keeps the concrete evenly blended and ready to use when it arrives.

What is a RMC Calculator? 

A rmc calculator is a digital tool that helps you determine how much concrete is needed for a construction project. By using a standard formula based on the measurements you provide, the calculator estimates the required amount of concrete.

This way, you can make sure you get the right amount and avoid wasting materials. It saves you time by providing correct measurements, ensuring that you don’t over-order or under-order concrete. This makes it useful for both small home projects and larger construction jobs.

Benefits of Using this Calculator 

The concrete estimating calculator has unique features and offers many benefits. Some of them include: 

  • Accurate measurements 

The calculator helps you get an accurate estimate of how much concrete you need. By entering the necessary information, it provides a correct measurement of the concrete required. This ensures you order the right amount, which helps prevent both shortages and excess concrete.

  • Time efficiency 

It quickly calculates the amount of concrete needed, saving you time compared to manual calculations. You don’t have to spend hours working out measurements as the converter does the work for you in just a few seconds. This effectiveness helps keep your project on schedule.

  • Reduced waste 

By providing accurate estimates, the rmc calculator helps you order the correct amount of concrete. This reduces the chances of having extra concrete left over, which can lead to waste. Less waste means fewer costs and a more efficient use of materials.

  • Simple to use 

The calculator is easy to operate. You just input the project dimensions, and the converter will provide the required concrete volume. This simplicity makes it accessible even if you’re not familiar with concrete calculations.

Concrete Water Mixing and Air Content Requirements Table 

The table below presents the recommended mixing water and air content requirements for ready-mix concrete based on guidelines from the University of Memphis, Tennessee, USA.

Non-Air-Entrained Concrete
Consistency in.Water, pounds per cubic yard of concrete, for indicated sizes of aggregate
⅜ in.½ in.¾ in.1 in. 1 ½ in.2 in. 3 in. 6 in. 
1 to 2350 335315300275260220190
3 to 4 385365340325300285245210
6 to 7 410385360340315300270
Recommended Average Total Air Content (%)
Mild Exposure 4.5 
Moderate Exposure 6.0
Severe Exposure 7.5
Air-Entrained Concrete
Consistency in.Water, pounds per cubic yard of concrete, for indicated sizes of aggregate
⅜ in.½ in.¾ in.1 in. 1 ½ in.2 in. 3 in. 6 in. 
1 to 2305295280270250240205180
3 to 4 340325305295275265225200
6 to 7 365345325 310290280260
Recommended Average Total Air Content (%)
Mild Exposure 4.0
Moderate Exposure 5.5
Severe Exposure 7.0

How to Calculate the Ready Mix Concrete? 

Getting the right amount of ready-mix concrete is essential for making sure you have enough to finish your project. To calculate the rmc volume, you can use this simple formula: 

Rmc = Length x Width x Height

If you’re using metric measurements, this will give you the ready-mix concrete in cubic meters (m³). 

Here’s an example of how to do the calculation: Let’s say you need to calculate the rmc amount for a slab that is 6 meters long, 5 meters wide, and 1 meter thick. Use these numbers in the formula: 6 × 5 × 1 = 3.0 cubic meters. This means you need 3.0 cubic meters of ready-mix concrete for the slab.

How to Use the Rmc Calculator? 

Ready-mix concrete is a great option than regular concrete because it needs less labor, time, and effort, and it’s often cheaper. It also provides consistent quality and speeds up the building process. 

The following are some important steps you need to follow for using our concrete estimating calculator: 

  • Input the required details 

Begin by mentioning the required information into the calculator. You’ll need to provide details like the length, width, and depth of the area where you’ll use the ready-mix concrete. Make sure to input accurate measurements to get a correct estimate.

  • Press the “calculate” button 

Once you’ve inputted all the necessary details, click the “calculate” button. The rmc calculator will process the information and provide you with the volume of concrete you need in seconds. This step is easy and only takes a moment.

  • Review the results 

After the calculation is done, the correct rmc value will be displayed on the screen. The result will show you the volume of ready mix concrete required, usually in cubic meters. Use this information to order the accurate volume of concrete for your project.

Example of Using the Rmc Calculator 

Suppose, Drew wants to renovate his living room and needs to find out how much ready-mix concrete he will need. He measures the wall that is 3 meters thick, 4 meters wide, and 3 meters long. To get the right amount of concrete, he mentioned these measurements in the rmc calculator.

After entering this information, he pressed the “calculate” button. The calculator shows that he needs 36 cubic meters of rmc. This accurate calculation helps Drew order the exact amount of concrete for his renovation, making sure he has just the right quantity.

Frequently Asked Questions 

Why should you factor a 5%-10% extra concrete? 

Adding 5%-10% extra concrete helps cover any mistakes or extra needs that come up during the project. It accounts for spillage, uneven areas, or miscalculations. This extra concrete ensures you have enough to complete the work without delays or having to order more at the last minute.

How much RMC is needed for a 1000 sq feet house? 

To estimate how much ready-mix concrete you need for a 1,000-square-foot house, first determine the thickness of the concrete. For example, if the thickness is 0.1 meters (about 4 inches), calculate the volume as 1,000 sq feet × 0.328 feet = 328 cubic feet. 

Converting this to cubic meters gives approximately 9.3 cubic meters. Therefore, you would need around 9.3 cubic meters of concrete for a 1,000-square-foot area with a 0.1-meter thickness.

Should I use RMC or bagged concrete? 

Choosing between ready-mix concrete (RMC) and bagged concrete depends on the project’s size and needs. Use ready-mix concrete (RMC) for big projects because it’s delivered ready to use and saves time. 

Bagged concrete is better for smaller jobs or repairs since you mix it yourself. RMC ensures consistent quality and is more convenient for big tasks.

Is the RMC calculator suitable for large-scale projects?

Yes, you can use our calculator for large-scale projects to get a general idea of how much concrete you need. However, for big or complex projects, it’s best to consult with a ready-mix concrete expert. They can provide a more accurate estimate and consider any special factors that might affect your project.